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ACCESSORY - Mo 08.11.21

Vor oder Nach dem WOD, wĂ€hle zwischen: StrengthđŸ‹ïž, Bootie🍑, BicepđŸ’Ș oder 6ïžâƒŁđŸ“ŠBauch.


20 Min AMRAP

5 Incline DB bench press 10 Weighted Matador Dip 10 Diamond push-up 30 Banded fly *Rest as needed



Do the Long version!

Belly fat has to go! It hides the sickpack!

Long/Short version:

EMOM 10-30min, alternate:

A- 30sec Rower Roll Out with seat

B- 12/10cal Row

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Frohe Weihnachten 🎄


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